
Databend Meta Metrics


Metrics for real-time of monitoring and debugging of metasrv.

The simplest way to see the available metrics is to cURL the metrics HTTP API HTTP_ADDRESS:HTTP_PORT/v1/metrics, the API will returns a Prometheus format of metrics.

All the metrics is under metasrv prefix.


These metrics describe the status of the metasrv. All these metrics are prefixed with metasrv_server_.

current_leader_idCurrent leader id of cluster, 0 means no leader.IntGauge
is_leaderWhether or not this node is current leader.Gauge
leader_changesNumber of leader changes seen.Counter
applying_snapshotWhether or not statemachine is applying snapshot.Gauge
proposals_appliedTotal number of consensus proposals applied.Gauge
proposals_pendingTotal number of pending proposals.Gauge
proposals_failedTotal number of failed proposals.Counter
watchersTotal number of active watchers.Gauge

current_leader_id indicate current leader id of cluster, 0 means no leader. If a cluster has no leader, it is unavailable.

is_leader indicate if this metasrv currently is the leader of cluster, and leader_changes show the total number of leader changes since start.If change leader too frequently, it will impact the performance of metasrv, also it signal that the cluster is unstable.

proposals_applied records the total number of applied write requests.

proposals_pending indicates how many proposals are queued to commit currently.Rising pending proposals suggests there is a high client load or the member cannot commit proposals.

proposals_failed show the total number of failed write requests, it is normally related to two issues: temporary failures related to a leader election or longer downtime caused by a loss of quorum in the cluster.

watchers show the total number of active watchers currently.


These metrics describe the network status of the metasrv. All these metrics are prefixed with metasrv_network_.

active_peersCurrent number of active connections to peers.id(node id),address(peer address)GaugeVec
fail_connect_to_peerTotal number of fail connections to peers.id(node id),address(peer address)CounterVec
sent_bytesTotal number of sent bytes to peers.to(node id)CounterVec
recv_bytesTotal number of received bytes from peers.from(remote address)CounterVec
sent_failuresTotal number of send failures to peers.to(node id)CounterVec
snapshot_send_successTotal number of successful snapshot sends.to(node id)IntCounterVec
snapshot_send_failuresTotal number of snapshot send failures.to(node id)IntCounterVec
snapshot_send_inflightsTotal number of inflight snapshot sends.to(node id)IntGaugeVec
snapshot_sent_secondsTotal latency distributions of snapshot sends.to(node id)HistogramVec
snapshot_recv_successTotal number of successful receive snapshot.from(remote address)IntCounterVec
snapshot_recv_failuresTotal number of snapshot receive failures.from(remote address)IntCounterVec
snapshot_recv_inflightsTotal number of inflight snapshot receives.from(remote address)IntGaugeVec
snapshot_recv_secondsTotal latency distributions of snapshot receives.from(remote address)HistogramVec

active_peers indicates how many active connection between cluster members, fail_connect_to_peer indicates the number of fail connections to peers. Each has the labels: id(node id) and address (peer address).

sent_bytes and recv_bytes record the sent and receive bytes to and from peers, and sent_failures records the number of fail sent to peers.

snapshot_send_success and snapshot_send_failures indicates the success and fail number of sent snapshot.snapshot_send_inflights indicate the inflight snapshot sends, each time send a snapshot, this field will increment by one, after sending snapshot is done, this field will decrement by one.

snapshot_sent_seconds indicate the total latency distributions of snapshot sends.

snapshot_recv_success and snapshot_recv_failures indicates the success and fail number of receive snapshot.snapshot_recv_inflights indicate the inflight receiving snapshot, each time receive a snapshot, this field will increment by one, after receiving snapshot is done, this field will decrement by one.

snapshot_recv_seconds indicate the total latency distributions of snapshot receives.